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Szukana fraza: [Streszczenie = "How auditing firm, firm size, financial leverage, revenue growth and operating cash flow affect EM, The research results show that RPTs impact the same dimension on EM level. The study provides empirical evidence of the impact of RPTs on the EM level of companies listed on Wietnam`s securities market."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
Management, vol. 24 (2020)

Hong Nguyen Thi Phuong Loi Tran Van Stankiewicz, Janina - red. nacz. Preston, Peter- red. jęz. Zmyślony, Roman - red. statyst. Skalik, Jan - red. Moczulska, Marta - red. Adamczyk, Janusz- red.


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