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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "Then, valorised semantically as a node in a high\-power, he began to appear to be especially effective amulet. Finally, in the Hellenistic period, he began to be seen as a manifestation of the mystery of mysteries, which does not preclude the collateral function as an amulet. Unlike the hidden charms in the shape of dresses node, which bore hetaera, he was a prominent element of the jewelry, and the visibility of the symbol is a basic precondition for a reflection on its meaning. Interpretation of the cultural importance of jewelry decorated with a knot of Heracles therefore leads to the conclusion that the goldsmith node in the Hellenistic period had a symbolic meaning. Placed on the axis of diadems, wreaths, or any other kind of jewelry, he appealed to the associations with the mysteries, which symbolized the essence fullest."]

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