  • Kolekcje
  • Publikacje grupowe
  • Typ pliku
  • Autor
  • Tytuł
  • Temat i słowa kluczowe
  • Data wydania
  • Typ zasobu
  • Jezyk
  • Prawa do dysponowania publikacją

Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "The article presents major definitions of mobbing, mobbing activities and mobbing processes. It describes mobbing determinants in four aspects\: \(1\) personality traits of the mobber, \(2\) personality and social factors determining a mobbing victim, \(3\) organizational factors and \(4\) socioeconomic factors. The article also discusses the consequences of mobbing for the individual, organization and society. Mobbing is presented as a major organizational pathology."]

Wyników: 1

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