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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "The aim of the study was to assess the chemical composition of these wastes and the possibility of their agricultural use. In the samples of wood waste and ashes there was determined\: pH\; chlorines content\; conductivity\; hydrolytic acidity\; content of micro and macroelements and heavy metals. The morphological composition of the waste is dominated by sawdust, with a smaller share of shavings, bark and earth parts, and a small addition of pieces of wood of various sizes. It is rich in easily bioavailble as well as total macroelements and is not contaminated with heavy metals."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
CEER, nr 32, vol. 4 (2022)

Malinowski, Ryszard Meller, Edward Ochman, Ireneusz Malinowska, Katarzyna Figiel-Kroczyńska, Monika Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.


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