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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "Analyzed wood waste has deacidifying properties, high sorption and buffering capacity. Studies have shown that the wood waste produced at the veneer factory, can be used as an organic fertiliser, a component of other organic fertilisers, for soil mulching, horticultural substrate and soil and land reclamation.The ash obtained from burning wood is strongly alkaline and rich in alkaline cations, mainly Ca, Mg and K. It is not contaminated with heavy metals. The ash can be used for soil deacidification and fertilization, especially for soil reclamation."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
CEER, nr 32, vol. 4 (2022)

Malinowski, Ryszard Meller, Edward Ochman, Ireneusz Malinowska, Katarzyna Figiel-Kroczyńska, Monika Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.


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