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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "Among them there were the autographs and dedications from the pen of Goethe and one of the few heirlooms later saved from the war\: the Goethe guest book. Ogoleit, a fervent advocate of the Goethean spiritual science, was seeking the meaning of life in the \?eternal toil\? which was the development of his fascination with the Goethe age and the circle of the Weimar artists. He was enlarging his collection over the years and it comprised 8800 items in 1945. He arranged a museum in his private flat where he hosted many inhabitants of the town and the visitors\: actors, academics and musicians. He was famous for ceremonial guided tours which were about declamation and storytelling of literature and the times of the flowering of German philosophy and literature in the circle of Weimar court at the end of the 17th century."]

Wyników: 1

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