Korbicz, Józef - red. ; Cempel, Czesław - red.
A survey of robustness problems in quantitative model-based fault diagnosis
Analytical and Knowledge-Based Redundancy in Fault Detection and Diagnosis
Group publication title:
Subject and Keywords:
sterowanie ; sterowanie-teoria ; sztuczna inteligencja ; matematyka stosowana ; informatyka
Quantitative model-based fault diagnosis has become a popular issue in safety-critical systems, e.g., aircraft, spacecraft, chemical processes and nuclear plants. The use of dynamic system model information has been widely recognized as an important approach to fault detection and isolation for the case when there are no repeated hardware units. A prerequisite for reliability in model-based fault diagnosis is robust performance with respect to uncertainties. ; This paper gives a tutorial discussion of the different problems in robustness and surveys the state of the art in robust solutions for quantitative model-based fault diagnosis. The state observer with disturbance de-coupling design has been recommended as a good solution for robustness in fault diagnosis. Further research topics in robust fault diagnosis have also been outlined.
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
Resource Type:
AMCS, volume 3, number 3 (1993) ; click here to follow the link