@misc{Dončevová_Silvia_Zdrowie, author={Dončevová, Silvia}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris Universitetas}, language={eng}, abstract={The study analyzes the impact of the divorce situation on the child's mental and physical health and the possibilities of helping and promoting social pedagogy in eliminating the negative effects of divorce on the health of the child. After divorce, a situation often occurs when parents think only about their needs rather than the needs of their children - in the social pedagogical practice we see the fatal consequences of this parental action on the child's health (in the best case, these children end up in the hands of social educators and other professionals in schools, school clubs or counseling centers).}, abstract={Most often, however, the situation of a children of parents after divorce ends in social custody/curatorship, which is the last institution of help and support children. These are critical situations where parents do not know or rather do not want to deal for children's care.}, title={Zdrowie dziecka po rozwodzie i wspólna opieka nad dziećmi = Child health after divorce and Joint Child Custody}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={zdrowie dzieci, rozwód, opieka zastępcza, pedagogika społeczna, child`s health, divorce, alternative child custody, social pedagogy}, }