@misc{Gorbaniuk_Oleg_Właściwości, author={Gorbaniuk, Oleg and Dudek, Marzena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={The aim of the research was developing scales to measure the image of the consumer based on the previous psycho-lexical studies. 180 people aged 16 to 66 years (49.6% women) described typical consumers of different product brands using a list of 36 adjectives. A total of 1,080 descriptions were gathered.}, abstract={Confirmatory factor analysis of mixed data showed that the optimal model explaining individual differences in the description of the typical consumer is a model consisting of seven mutually correlated traits: Exclusivity, Creativity, Sociability, Prudence, Resoluteness, Vitality and Solicitude. Based on the results of the analysis seven scales for measuring these traits were developed. The factor structure was also verified using multi-level confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability analysis revealed that the scales demonstrated good internal consistency and stability.}, type={artykuł}, title={Właściwości psychometryczne kwestionariusza do pomiaru wizerunku konsumenta = Psychometric properties of a questionnaire measuring the image of the consumer}, keywords={wizerunek konsumenta, podejście psycholeksykalne, konfirmacyjna analiza czynnikowa, walidacja psychometryczna, the image of the consumer, psychometric validity, psycho-lexical approach, multi-level analysis}, }