@misc{Kołodziejczyk_Urszula_Krajowe, author={Kołodziejczyk, Urszula}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={Oder from oldest times is found in center of man's interest: as source of water and energy, center of transportation, natural environment. Considerable animation in catchment's management of Oder-river was noted after catastrophic flood in 1997. Then came into being a row of national and international initiatives, financial supported by Poland, World Bank, European Union, Canada, Holland, Denmark, German, Czech Republic and other, with polish "Program for Oder - 2006". Realization of this program is chance for the river and man inseparable connected with it.}, type={artykuł}, title={Krajowe i międzynarodowe problemy zagospodarowania dorzecza Odry = National and international problems management of the Odra-river basin}, keywords={"Program dla Odry - 2006", powódź, Odra}, }